Tuesday, December 12, 2023
"We will keep alive the memory of our deceased and not fail to pray for them…" (C.43)
On December 11, our confrere Fr. John Szkodzinski OMI passed away to eternity.
Eternal rest grant to him oh Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon him. Amen.

Fr. Jan Szkodzinski OMI was born on January 14, 1938 in Kodeń, Poland. After completing studies at the Oblate juniorate in Markowice, John had to do military service. Once that was completed, he could continue on his path to religious life by entering the novitiate at Święty Krzyż. In his third year of theological studies at the Oblate scholasticate in Obra, John learned that his superiors planned to send him to Canada, that he might learn English and continue his studies in Battleford, Saskatchewan, and eventually work in Canada's Polish community. On May 23, 1970 John was ordained to the priesthood at St. Stanislaus Kostka parish in Toronto, by Bishop Thomas Fulton. In 1970, he was sent to Holy Ghost parish as assistant pastor. In the spring of 1972, Fr. John became pastor of St. Helen's parish in Kuroki, Saskatchewan and also ministered at the parishes in Wadena and Quill Lake. In December of that same year Fr. John was sent to work as pastoral assistant at St. Hedwig's parish in Oshawa. In September 1976, Fr. John became pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help parish in St. Catharines, where he worked for ten years. In the fall of 1986, Fr. John became pastor of St. Patrick's parish in Sturgis, Saskatchewan. He served concurrently at the parishes in Norquay, Rockford, Preeceville and Rama. Four years later, he returned to Toronto. Since 1999, Fr. John was a permanent chaplain at the Copernicus Lodge seniors' residence in Toronto and was always open to helping out wherever needed. In his spare time, Fr. John likes to read books, newspapers, and follow news events via and television. His daily schedule includes local visits, meeting with people. For the last years of his life he was a resident at the Provincial House in Toronto, always ready to help out in parishes when a need arose.