Friday, January 24, 2025
In the week of Monday, January 20th, Oblates of Mary Immaculate from Assumption Province gathered for their annual retreat at Queen of Apostles Renewal Center in Mississauga. This year’s retreat theme was presented by Fr. Giuseppe Scollo, Assistant Professor at St. Augustine’s Seminary in Toronto. Fr. Scollo talked to the Oblates about their vocation to be prophets, based on baptism, and the sacrament of Holy Orders. Fr. Scollo went through material in the Scriptures, basing himself on mainly the prophetic books of the Bible and the Gospels. The retreat also included a talk on the vow of chastity, given as part of the extended meditation on Oblate Constitutions and Rules that is taking place this year.
(text: Fr Paweł Ratajczak OMI/photos: Fr Tomasz Jarosz OMI)