Wednesday, February 14, 2024
This initiative was born a few years ago and is addressed to the Oblates, members of our Province to ask for new vocations in the Assumption Province through fasting and prayer. During the Lenten season, each oblate can choose any day on which he will fast and pray for those who wish to enter the Oblate way of life, as well as for those who are already in the process of formation.

“Certainly, by joining this initiative we are sanctifying our personal hearts. In this fast we also have the opportunity to pray together for the members of our province who need our prayers, as God Himself knows best, as well as for ourselves asking for the renewal of our vocations” - Fr. Marcin Serwin OMI.

If you don't have your Lenten resolutions yet, join us and through fasting and prayer let's together ask the Lord for vocations to Oblate life.
Are you in?