Sunday, January 7, 2024
Christmas package for children in Madagascar.
It is already our tradition, that the Mission Procure of the Assumption Province in Canada, together with some Oblate parishes: St. Eugene de Mazenod, St. Maksymilian Kolbe, St. Gabriel, Our Lady of Perpetual Help - once again organized a "Christmas package" for poor children in Madagascar; this year we are sending $25,000. Not only do we want to make these children happy for Christmas, but above all we want to feed them during the annual drought in Madagascar so that they do not go hungry for almost four months. Last year we fed about 500 children.
This time, children from two of our missions, where Fr. Stanislaw Kazek, OMI and Fr. Mariusz Kasperski, OMI work will receive the parcels. Both fathers are very devoted missionaries and have been working beautifully in the Lord's vineyard in Madagascar for many years. As you will see in the photos, unfortunately there was a fire in Fr. Stanislaw's mission, the utility buildings burned down, but thank God the church, school and rectory survived. You will also see major expansions of both missions, which proves their vitality and great hope for the future. Below you can see Fr. Stanislaw's mission in Befasy.
(Fr. Adam Filas OMI/ )