Tuesday, October 1, 2024
In Winnipeg, the oldest Polish parish in Western Canada celebrated the 125th anniversary of it's founding. The new church was built 37 years ago, and the first Mass in the new church was the ordination of Father Janusz Blazejak OMI. The solemn Mass was presided over by archbishop of Winnipeg, Bishop Richard Gagnon. Also present were Bishop Wieslaw Krótki, Provincial Jacek Nosowicz, previous parish priests. Fr. Janusz Blazejak preached the homily.
"It was a beautiful ceremony and a moving moment to return to the beginnings of my priesthood." - pointed out Fr. Janunsz.
Currently the pastor at Holy Ghost Parish is Fr. Tom Koscinski and the vicar is the indefatigable Fr. Wojciech Stangel.
The banquet was attended by 300 people, and the entire ceremony was beautifully prepared. Congratulations Holy Ghost parish!
More from the history: https://www.holyghost.ca/eng/history.html
(Fr. Janusz Błażejak OMI/DJ; photos: https://westenddumplings.blogspot.com; facebook of Holy Ghost Parish Winnipeg)